Oral System Balancing (OSB) is about putting the body in natural balance so that it can function optimally with particular emphasis on free breathing and spinal alignment. This is achieved by passively correcting the relationship between tongue, jaw, throat, and spine. The impact on the autonomic and sensory nervous system is dramatic.
What you will receive from this course.
You will have a working knowledge of the oral system. The relationship between chewing, speaking, breathing, swallowing and how it affects the autonomic nervous system (ANS).
The tongue can directly impact the health of the body and mind. When the tongue is blocking the airway, the body feels that it is choking. The autonomic nervous system is in control of all areas of the body that are performed automatically, with out our thinking about it.
When the body thinks it is not breathing optimally, the ANS will respond with a high level of adrenaline. Too much adrenaline over a long period of time will begin to cause the body to 'break down' and develop symptoms, ailments and dis'ease'.
You will learn how to connect the dots, that your patients health problems are related to one another. In addition, that the high amount of adrenaline is possibly the culprit of the ill health.
This course will teach you:
1.How to connect heart to heart with your patients with the Complimentary Consultation.
2. How to take a cephalometric x-ray or find an orthodontist that has one.
3. The critical importance of accuracy in making diagnostic models.
4. Proper monitoring of vital signs.
Your Instructor
Dr. Wayne L. Whitley served as a Captain in the US Army Dental Corp in 1970-72, serving one tour in Vietnam.
Married to Gloria and raised 4 children in Fredericksburg, VA. With 40 years of dental practice, Dr. Whitley is a conservative dentist who would seek out new innovative treatments.
Upon selling his general dental practice in 2015, he now helps people with their healing process through Oral System Balance.
Dr. Whitley’s favorite scripture is John 10:10, Jesus says, “I have come to give you life and give it to you more abundantly.” Dr. Whitley counts it a blessing to be used by God.
Frequently Asked Questions
In all your dental training, have you ever been taught of the importance of the tongue to your overall health? Certainly oral health and hygiene is paramount to the body's optimal health. You have the opportunity to take your dental practice to a new revolutionary level. Just as our nations founding fathers joined a movement to make the colonies better, you too can join a medical revolution! Become an extraordinary dentist when you can truly help your patient begin to heal just by moving their tongue, opening up their airway and unleash the pent up adrenaline.